Let’s face it, motivation can be tough to find some days. Especially as an entrepreneur, if you’re an entrepreneur reading this then I know, you feel me.  Most of the time, as entrepreneurs we are working on our own and we are forced to get up and kick some serious ass on our own. Which, […]


September 26, 2022

6 Ways To Kickstart Your Motivation Today

Whether your a morning person or not I’m going to let you in on a little secret… Your mornings are the most important part of your day. Seriously. If you want to up your productivity and get some killer results in your life and business you need to learn to love your mornings. The best […]


May 26, 2021

7 Habits You Need to Increase Your Productivity

You should love your website.  A head over heels type of love.  Your website is a direct reflection of your brand and business. A place where potential clients come to see all the goodness you offer. There have been many times I’ve had others ask me how to find the right web designer for their […]


April 20, 2021

What to look for when hiring a bad a** web designer

Whether you’re making $50k a month or not yet breaking four figures, one thing will always be true: Your brand is how people remember you.  Your brand also influences how they feel about your brand, their experience working with or purchasing from you, and even the amount of money they decide to spend with you. […]


April 13, 2021

How to Have High-End Branding from Day One

Remember that feeling you got when you first released your new brand to the world? That “OMG, I love it – like my firstborn child” feeling?  That “Holy, s**t – I made that?!” feeling?  That “Let me tell the world about my brand!” feeling? Isn’t it one of the best feelings in the world?  Then, […]


April 7, 2021

4 Way to Refresh Your Brand

I see it all the time and cry on the inside a little, because I know sometimes wherever you are in business that investing in branding is not your top priority. If it is book in with us here you won’t regret it! If you really want to stay the DIY route, at least make […]


February 22, 2021

5 Common Branding Mistakes

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